02 May 2015

The Rejuvenation

In life, we often think of giving up in anything we do.

My case, sometimes I feel like giving up in my studies (well, studies contribute the most to my stress). But, when I look at my Ibu and Ayah's faces, the last thing I want to do is to dissapoint them. So, I said to myself.."Dayah, you can do this". They believe in me. They have faith in me. They give me everything. Why can't I do the same? Life is full with ups and downs. The trick is to just enjoy ups and have courage during downs.

Children is a gift from Allah. But, raising your kids are not an easy task. There are just a lot to bear. My parents must have gone through a lot in raising my siblings and I. So far, they have done well. I'm so proud to call them my parents and I hope they are proud to call me as theirs.

I have promised myself once that I will do my best in whatever I do to make them proud of me. I just want to study hard (and smart), get a good job (and good income of course) and give them the very best of me.

Ibu and Ayah are getting old day by day. Seeing Ibu laughs and listens to Ayah's silly jokes are the best. I don't need a boyfriend nor a guy in life to be my remedy. Ibu and Ayah, are my remedy.

I don't usually say this..cause I'm not the kind who express my feelings through words. Actions speak louder than words. But, I'd like to say..I love both of you.

Therefore, I have no excuses in giving up.
'You are more than you think'

p/s: Sorry for the bad grammar and sentence structure